Membership FAQ

What are the basic qualification to avail membership? 

CFN membership is open to all the companies who represents freight forwarding industry.Each registered company application is reviewed by the administrator, Upon the approval the administrator will forward to a free membership category. Each member must accept the code of ethics and follow common business practice.

Does the application for membership need to be completed electronically? 

Yes , while we insist to join online application also online is the preffered way to join our network, so you can avail free membership immediately.

Does the membership is offers a financial guarantee if I do business with fellow member? 

No, No financial guarantee or arbitration membership offer. There are many networks already established but still some forwarders dislike the ties that are enforced by membership.

If I join now, when will my membership begin and end? 

If you register with us before June 2021 you will be getting free membership till June 2021. Dues are by anniversary and runs from the time you join/renew until the following year during that same time of the year. For paid membership invoices are mailed beginning 45 days prior to your expiration date. Full payment is due by your expiration date. Several follow-up invoices or reminder mail emailed to unpaid member, at 1month or 15 days before your expiration.

Still can I go online after my membership has expired or renew? 

You are given a one month grace period to renew your membership from your expiration date. After that time your membership online access will be changed to a non –member, and your renewal billing record will be deleted from system. Once this occurs, you must contact CFN office by email or Phone to renew your membership. At that time your membership will be renewed under new begin date and end date.

Combined Freight Networks is set to be a dynamic and professional Network with a focus on quality. Membership levels are controlled by market in order to ensure that all members have the opportunity to participate fully & benefit from business growth through building & consolidating relationships with fellow members. The Combined Freight Networks aims to be the most dynamic global alliance of selected freight & logistics providers.


Pulse Cargo Limited
Lara Freight Uluslararasi Tasimacilik Anonim Sirketi


Navi Express Pty Ltd.
In Time Worldwide Express


Mailing Address

Combined Freight Networks Pvt Ltd,
#90, Linghi Street, Mannady,
Chennai, India.


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